शनिवार, 30 मई 2020

ВОЗ. Обида против Индии, протесты против запрета на тест на гидроксихлорохин

  • Дизайн исследования и статистически не корректен, поэтому это исследование не стоит отмечать: Раджив Карандикар

Манодж Раутела сообщает:
Нью-Дели: похоже на W.H.O. Я ничего не делаю правильно В Индии возмущение его усилилось после того, как Всемирная организация здравоохранения (ВОЗ) посоветовала ему прекратить тестирование гидроксихлорохина. Индия производит большую часть этого лекарства в мире и в настоящее время экспортирует больше всего.В Бхарате обида проявляется не только среди простых людей, но и в наших институтах и ​​ученых.
Его оппозиция в Индии растет. После Министерства здравоохранения Союза и Индийского совета медицинских исследований (ICMR), Шехар Манд, генеральный директор Совета по научным и промышленным исследованиям (CSIR), Анураг Аггарвал, директор, Институт геномики и интегральной биологии (IGIB), Дели и Раджив Каранадикар, директор Ченнайского математического института В письме в ВОЗ решение о введении временного моратория на тестирование этого препарата в исследовании журнала Lancet совершенно неверно.
В письме он заявил, что решение временно прекратить тест на наркотики является неправильным, и мы просим ВОЗ как можно скорее возобновить испытания для его использования в случаях коронирования. Эти люди также отправили свои письма по электронной почте редактору Lancet Paper Ричарду Чарльзу Хортону.
В нем говорится, что исследование, опубликованное в Lancet, посвященное HCQ и его влиянию на хлорохин и ковид-19, не является правильным. Исследование, которое было сделано, неверно. Потому что Дизайн и статистика исследования неверны. В этом случае это исследование не стоит отмечать. Мы считаем, что решение ВОЗ находится под вопросом, и статистический обзор не является правильным.

ВОЗ. Дело Corona находится под теми же вопросами. Америка объявила о прекращении отношений W.H.O. с. В то время как США раньше оказывали значительную финансовую помощь В.Х.О. Президент Трамп уже обвинил В.О.О. Институт находится под контролем Китая. В такой ситуации неправильно ставить под сомнение индийскую медицину гидроксихлорохин. Неправильно рекомендовать останавливать тест.

Ланцет - научный журнал. В своем исследовании Ланцет обнаружил, что пациенты с короной не получают никакой пользы от этого лекарства от малярии. В исследование журнала были включены 96 000 пациентов, инфицированных короной. Из них 15 000 человек получили гидроксихлорохин или какое-либо другое лекарство. Позже было обнаружено, что в группе, принимавшей гидроксихлорохин, было больше смертей, чем у других пациентов. Проблемы с сердцем также были замечены у этих пациентов. Среди тех, кому давали гидроксихлорохин, уровень смертности составил 18 процентов.

Эксперт-исследователь Кавита Сингх Маджила, связанный с фармацевтическим сектором, говорит: «Лекарства в Индии производятся с помощью надлежащих исследований и ухода. Эта таблетка предназначена для лечения малярии. Насколько эффективна будет коронарная терапия в спешке. Так что в этом случае Рекомендации по прекращению теста вызывают вопросы в такое время. Один шаг позаботится о контроле качества, исследованиях, разработке, производстве, хранении. До настоящего времени вопрос о гидроксихлорохине не поднимался. Болезнь короны Если это лекарство не работает эффективно, то есть другие учреждения, которые могут проверить и сообщить о нем. В отчете «Ланцет» ВОЗ не следует рекомендовать прекратить тестирование гидроксихлорохина ».

W.H.O. Resentment against India, protests against ban on testing of hydroxychloroquine

  • The study's design and not statistically correct, so this study is not worth noting: Rajeev Karandikar

Manoj Rautela reports:
New Delhi: Looks like W.H.O. I am not doing anything right In India, resentment against him has been increasing after the World Health Organization (WHO) advised him to stop the testing of hydroxychloroquine. India produces the most of this medicine in the world and currently exports the most.
In Bharata, resentment is coming out not only among the common people but also in our institutes and scientists.Its opposition in India is increasing. After the Union Ministry of Health and the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), Shekhar Mande, Director General of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Anurag Aggarwal, Director, Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology (IGIB) Delhi and Rajiv Karanadikar, Director of Chennai Mathematical Institute In a letter to WHO, the decision to put a temporary moratorium on the testing of this drug on the study of the journal Lancet is utterly wrong.

He stated in the letter that the decision to temporarily stop the drug test is not correct and we request the WHO to allow the trials to be resumed as soon as possible for its use in corona cases. These people have also sent their letters by email to Lancet Paper Editor Richard Charles Horton.
It states that the study published in Lancet on HCQ and its effect on chloroquine and covid-19 is not correct. The study that has been done is wrong. Because The study's design and statistic are not correct. In this case, this study is not worth noting. We believe the WHO decision is under question and the statistical review is not correct.
W.H.O. The Corona case is under the same questions. America has announced to end the relationship W.H.O. with. While the US used to provide considerable financial help W.H.O. On, President Trump has already accused W.H.O. The institute is under the control of China. In such a situation, it is not right to question India's medicine hydroxychloroquine. It is not right to recommend stopping the test.
 Lancet is a science journal. Lancet, in its study, found that corona patients are not getting any health benefit from this malaria medicine.
The journal's study included 96,000 patients infected with corona. Of these, 15,000 people were given hydroxychloroquine or some other medicine. It was later discovered that there were more deaths in the class eating hydroxychloroquine than other patients. Heart disease problems were also seen in these patients. Among those given hydroxychloroquine, the mortality rate was 18 percent.

Expert researcher Kavita Singh Majila, associated with the pharma sector, says, "Medicines in India are made by proper research and care. This tablet is for malaria. How effective will corona treatment be in a hurry. So in this case Advising to stop the test raises questions at such a time. One step is taken care of. Quality control, research, formulation, production, storage are taken care of. To date the question has not been raised on hydroxychloroquine. Corona disease If this medicine is not working effectively, then there are other institutions that can test and report on it. On a 'Lancet' report, the WHO should thus not advise to stop testing hydroxychloroquine. "

गुरुवार, 28 मई 2020

Jharkhand: 180 laborers arrived by flight from Mumbai, Jharkhand

- The first time in the country in lockdown when migrant laborers are brought back to their states by plane.
MS Reports:
Ranchi / Delhi: 180 workers in Jharkhand who were stranded in Mumbai were brought to Jharkhand on 28 May. On reaching Ranchi Airport, everyone had a smile and a different experience.
All workers arrived by Air Asia aircraft. An official claimed that during the lockdown, the first workers in the country were brought to Jharkhand by plane. According to PTI news, a Jharkhand government spokesperson told here that around 180 migrant laborers from Jharkhand stranded in Mumbai have returned to their state by Air Asia flight this morning, claiming that this is the first time in the country after the lockdown. Migrant laborers are brought back to their states by plane.
He said that with the efforts of Chief Minister Hemant Soren, the laborers could be brought to their ancestral state by air. Almanai Network of National School of Law, Bangalore also contributed to this. Workers arriving at Birsa Munda Airport, Ranchi from Mumbai were screened at the airport. He was also given breakfast and a bottle of water.

The official said that buses were arranged by the Ranchi district administration to send the laborers to their respective districts, from which they were sent to their homes.The workers who reached Ranchi from Mumbai are from different districts of Jharkhand.
These include 41 from Hazaribagh, 29 from Giridih, 28 from Simdega, 16 from Ranchi district, 11 from Koderma, 10 from Deoghar, nine from Dhanbad, nine from Palamu, eight from West Singhbhum, five each from Bokaro and Chatra, five from East Singhbhum. Three, two each from Jamtara and Garhwa, one each from Godda and Gulma.

The migrant laborers who returned to Jharkhand came to Ranchi and thanked the government. He had a different experience running in his mind. A laborer who never sat in life said, 'The lock-down made us travel by airplane. Blessed be the government ' . One of them said that they were in trouble during the lockdown. In such a situation, he has returned to his home with the initiative of the Jharkhand government.

मंगलवार, 26 मई 2020

Uttarakhand: AIIMS begins to use remote monitoring method in Rishikesh, becoming the first institute in the country to do so

  • Isolation wards will be controlled through remote monitoring now
  • AIIMS, Rishikesh is the first autonomous health institution in India where the use of this technology has started.-
  • Bangalore base company Stasis has provided remote system by contracting with AIIMS Rishikesh

MS Reports:
Rishikesh: Remote monitoring method has been started for the care of corona patients at All India Institute of Medical Sciences AIIMS Rishikesh. Under this, the isolation wards of the Kovid Hospital will be controlled through remote monitoring, so that the correct care of the corona patients as well as the doctors, nursing staff and other staff in his service will be safe from infection.
Pro.Ravikant, Director, AIIMS
This remote system designed under Make in India has been made available by Bangalore base company Stasis in agreement with AIIMS Rishikesh. AIIMS, Rishikesh is India's first autonomous health institute, which has started using this technology for the care of Kovid infected patients and for the survival of front line warriors.
AIIMS Director Padmashree Professor Ravi Kant said that by developing this system in the institute's Kovid ward, the front line warriors who treat patients will reduce the risk. He informed that this start-up based technology will prove to be particularly effective for remote patient monitoring and implementing solutions. The aim is to reduce the risk of infection from Kovid 19 infected patients to others. Apart from this, this remote system will also work to a great extent in increasing the safety of health care workers and reducing the need for PPE kits. Director AIIMS Padmashree Prof. Ravi Kant said that AIIMS, Rishikesh is India's first autonomous health institute, in which this technology has been prepared and implemented.
Health Professional is using Remote System 
He said that using the STATIS app, the doctor will get the complete information on his smartphone about the patients, including heart rate, oxygen supply, electrocardiogram, respiratory rate, blood pressure and skin temperature, etc.
Monitor System
According to the director, AIIMS is designated as Rishikesh Kovid Hospital for the state of Uttarakhand. Apart from Uttarakhand, patients from nearby half-dozen states are also getting treatment. Using PPE in this difficult period of this global pandemic and taking care of the lives of the front-line workers engaged in the treatment of Kovid patients is important as well as challenging. Our team of experts are providing the best clinical care to Corona patients. The director says that we have supported and welcomed Prime Minister Narendra Modi's ambitious plan Make in India using these tools. It is manufactured purely in India and is also approved by the USFDA.
Dr. Abhishek Aggarwal, Assistant Professor, Department of Surgical Gastroenterology, says that this resource-based technique will prove to be extremely helpful in improving treatment, making patient care more convenient. Its use will help in monitoring patients remotely through a centralized dashboard and through the smartphone app we will be able to continuously better medical management and treatment of more patients. He said that due to this global epidemic, the demand for PPE kits is increasing throughout the country and in view of increasing cases day by day, each PPE kit is valuable and should be used economically. Dr. Rohit Rao, Director of Stasis, says that there is an urgent need to use this technology for prevention of Kovid-19 epidemic. With this technique, the safety of the hospital staff can be ensured by monitoring the patient remotely and along with increasing the safety of the patient, we will be able to improve the results to save his life.

सोमवार, 25 मई 2020

Customs Superintendent arrested in Jaipur in bribery case

MS reports:
Jaipur / Delhi: The news is from Jaipur. A team of Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) on Monday arrested the Central Goods and Services Tax and Customs Superintendent of Udaipur red handed taking an alleged bribe of Rs 15,000 from a transporter. The officer's name is Shyam Sundar Jain. Shyam Sundar Jain had sought this alleged bribe from the complainant transporter in lieu of releasing a truck caught in a tax evasion case.
ACB's Rajsamand Bureau Additional Superintendent of Police Rajesh Chaudhary said that the arrest of Udaipur's Central Goods and Services Tax and Customs Superintendent has been confirmed.
He said that the accused Superintendent was not returning the documents of the truck despite the deposit of the fine amount by the complainant transporter. The accused demanded a bribe of Rs 20,000 to solve the case from the complainant but later the case was decided for Rs 15,000.
Following the complaint, the team of the bureau on Monday apprehended the accused on the Udaipur-Rajsamand highway while going back to Udaipur from their official vehicle with the amount of bribe. He said that the amount of bribe has been recovered from the accused and he has been arrested under the Prevention of Corruption Act. Police is investigating the case.

रविवार, 24 मई 2020

Ужасный крокодил Адольфа Гитлера умирает в России

Манодж Раутела сообщает:
Дели: Крокодил нацистского диктатора Адольфа Гитлера умер. Смерть произошла в зоопарке в Москве, столице России. Крокодил был назван Сатурн. Он как-то выжил при бомбардировках немецкого города Берлин во время Второй мировой войны. Русский писатель Борис Акунин назвал его любимым гитлеровским крокодилом. Однако никаких конкретных доказательств найдено не было.
Чиновники администрации Чидиягарха заявили, что он умер из-за старости. Сатурну было 84 года. Говорят, что крокодил родился в Америке. Но его владелец подарил его Берлинскому зоопарку. В то время животные были одарены. Когда в 1943 году произошла Вторая мировая война, ее жизнь была спасена в результате бомбежек. Три года спустя его получили британские солдаты, и они передали его России, а затем Советскому Союзу. С тех пор русский город был закрыт в зоопарке Москвы.

Диктатор Гитлер был любителем крокодилов
Крокодил Сатурн был жив по случаю 75-й годовщины поражения Гитлера. Говорят, что этот крокодил родился в джунглях Миссисипи, Америка, в 1936 году. Он был захвачен и доставлен в Берлин в ноябре 1943 года. Три года спустя его нашли британские солдаты.Ветеринарный врач Дмитрий Васильев из Москвы Сюэ сказал, что нет никаких сомнений в том, что Гитлер был любителем крокодилов.

Согласно теории, он был найден лежащим в канализации в темном подвале. Согласно другой истории, он был найден в клетке диких животных Гитлера. Крокодил был самым старым животным в московской Сюэ. Говорят, что этот крокодил был самым старым животным в московской Сюэ. Ранее он увернулся от смерти несколько раз. В 1980 году кусок бетона крыши Сюэ упал на него. Крокодил выжил в этой аварии.
Однажды человек, пришедший в гости к Сюю, напал на него камнем. Он был серьезно ранен в результате нападения. У него была медицинская помощь в течение нескольких месяцев.
Говорят, что когда для этого крокодила был построен новый аквариум, он не ел пищу в течение 4 месяцев. В 2010 году он сделал то же самое в течение года. Позже он начал есть. Люди Сюэ оплакивали смерть крокодила.

Adolf Hitler's dreaded crocodile dies in Russia

MS reports:
Delhi: Crocodile of Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler has died. Death occurred in zoo in Moscow, capital of Russia. The crocodile was named Saturn. It survived somehow in the bombing of the German city of Berlin during the Second World War. Russian writer Boris Akunin called it Hitler's pet crocodile. However, no concrete evidence has been found.

Officials of Chidiyagarh administration said that he died due to old age. Saturn was 84 years old now. It is said that the crocodile was born in America. But its owner had gifted it to the Berlin Zoo. At that time animals were gifted.When the Second World War took place in 1943, its life was saved in the bombing at that time. Three years later, it was received by the British soldiers and they handed it over to Russia, then to the Soviet Union. Since then, the Russian city was closed at the Zoo of Moscow.

The dictator Hitler was a crocodile lover-
The Crocodile Saturn was alive on the occasion of the 75th defeat anniversary of Hitler. It is said that this crocodile was born in the jungles of Mississippi, America in 1936. It was captured and brought to Berlin in November 1943. Three years later, it was found by British soldiers.The Veterinary Doctor Dmitry Vasileyev of Moscow Xue has said that there is no doubt that Hitler was a crocodile lover.
According to a theory, it was found lying in a waste basement drain in a dark basement. According to another story, he was found in Hitler's wild animal cage. The crocodile was the oldest animal in Moscow's Xue. It is said that this crocodile was the oldest animal in Moscow's Xue. Earlier, he dodged death several times. In 1980, a piece of concrete of Xue's roof was left falling over it. The crocodile survived its life in that accident.

Once, a person who came to visit Xu attacked him with a stone. He was seriously injured in the attack. He had medical care for months. It is said that when a new aquarium was built for this crocodile, it did not eat food for 4 months. In 2010, he did the same for a year. Later he started eating. The people of Xu have mourned the death of the crocodile.

Bihar / Delhi: Now Post Man will also bring home royal litchi

  • 'Web site' from May 25 'HorticultureDotBiharDotGovDotIn will be able to order
  • Orders of two kilograms or more will be booked in litchi

MS Reports:
Patna: Now you will get litchi at home. Yes. Due to the initiative of the Government of Bihar and the Department of Posts, fondants of litchi will be able to enjoy the best quality delicious and seasonal 'royal litchi' at home without leaving this time.

Online booking of litchi will be done in Patna, Muzaffarpur and Bhagalpur, the bastions of litchi. The postal department will make its home delivery. In Muzaffarpur, which is said to be the largest market of North Bihar, the postal department has geared up. The postal department will now ensure delivery in 24 hours, but orders of two kilograms or more will be booked. If the demand is good then this service can be started in other districts also. The postal department says so.

The special royal litchi of Muzaffarpur in Bihar differs from other varieties of litchi due to its distinct, aromatic and excessive juice. Its seed is also smaller than other varieties of litchi. The royal litchi got the 'GI' two years ago. Also known as geographical indicator tag,
 This has happened because of the Corona era. Litchi time is very short, at most, throughout the month. 'From May 25, people will be able to place orders on the state horticulture department website' HorticultureDotBiharDotGovDotIn '.

Ashutosh Mishra, who works as a litchi in Muzaffarpur, says farmers can expect to make a good profit from the new market created due to the online facility.
He said, due to the lockdown, the litchi growers were having trouble taking it to the market. Apart from this, due to staying in the houses of the people, the market is also not as bright as before and the demand is low, so keeping the litchi becomes bad. The taste is not there, so if it reaches people on time, it is good. So the option of online delivery is good. It is expected that the litchi farmers will get the appropriate amount.

शनिवार, 23 मई 2020

Американский военный флот отправляется в Иран

  • Иран обвинил США в преследовании своих кораблей

Манодж Раутела сообщает:
Дели: Иран и Америка вновь столкнулись лицом к лицу. Вероятность войны между двумя странами возросла, тогда Венесуэла также открыто прыгнула в поддержку Ирана. Он сказал, что будет поддерживать Иран и противостоять Америке. В этом случае после прыжка Венесуэлы возникла ситуация войны. Министр обороны Венесуэлы генерал Владимир Пасторино заявил, что он будет приветствовать иранские корабли в своей особой экономической зоне и защищать их от любых атак США. ВМС США сейчас готовятся к действиям на иранских кораблях.

После предупреждения, которое было дано Ирану США два дня назад, сейчас ситуация, похоже, ухудшается. После предупреждения, которое было дано Ирану США два дня назад, сейчас ситуация, похоже, ухудшается. В этом случае после прыжка Венесуэлы возникла ситуация войны. Венесуэла ясно дала понять, что это поможет Ирану, и ВМС США готовятся принять меры на иранских судах. Фактически, Венесуэла импортирует большое количество бензина и дизельного топлива из Ирана, что Иран недавно заявил, что Соединенные Штаты заняты преследованием своих кораблей, но ни при каких обстоятельствах они не прекратят поставлять нефть в Венесуэлу. Мало того, Иран также угрожал американцам, живущим в Сирии и других странах Персидского залива, нести за это последствия. Особая экономическая зона любой страны простирается до 200 морских миль от побережья. Вступление в это поле требует одобрения соответствующей страны.

Президент Венесуэлы Николас Мадуро известен как убежденный антиамериканец. Пять иранских нефтяных танкеров Fortune, Forrest, Petunia, Faxon и Cleval перевозят 1,5 миллиона баррелей топлива. В то же время военные корабли ВМС США патрулируют в Карибском море, чтобы остановить незаконную контрабанду наркотиков. Учитывая это, Иран предупредил США, что они ответят, если их танкеры будут перехвачены. Однако из США не поступало никаких заявлений об остановке иранских танкеров.
Венесуэла - страна с самыми большими запасами нефти в мире, но за последние 2 десятилетия она переживает серьезный экономический кризис из-за напряженности в отношениях с США. Венесуэла находится под влиянием американо-иранских отношений. В течение этого периода добыча нефти также постоянно снижалась. В последние недели в Венесуэле ощущалась острая нехватка бензина, что привело к проблемам с бензином и дизельным топливом.
 Вещи не правы в стране. В такой ситуации Иран и Америка уже находятся в конфликте. Если некоторые другие страны также поддержат Иран, ситуация может ухудшиться. Это повлияет на Индию где-то, поскольку она импортирует сырую нефть из этого региона. С одной стороны, в эпоху короны страны мира переживают экономические признаки, жизни людей лежат в торговом центре, в то время как мысли о войне могут оказаться фатальными для любой страны в такое время. Будь то Америка или Иран или любая другая страна.

America's war fleet leaves for Iran, Venezuela declares support to Iran, fears of war

  • Iran accused the US of harassing its ships
MS reports:
Delhi: Iran and America have come face to face once again. The possibility of war between the two has increased. At that time Venezuela has also jumped openly in support of Iran. He has said that he will support Iran and oppose America. In this case, after the jump of Venezuela, there has been a situation of war. Venezuela's Defense Minister General Vladimir Pastorino said he would welcome Iranian ships to his Special Economic Zone and protect it from any form of US attack. The US Navy is now preparing to take action on Iranian ships.

After the warning given to Iran by the US two days ago, now the situation seems to be deteriorating. After the warning given to Iran by the US two days ago, now the situation seems to be deteriorating. In this case, after the jump of Venezuela, there has been a situation of war. Venezuela has made it clear that it will help Iran and the US Navy is preparing to take action on Iranian ships.
 In fact, Venezuela imports a large number of petrol and diesel from Iran, for which Iran said recently that the US is engaged in harassing its ships, but under no circumstances will it stop supplying oil to Venezuela. Not only this, Iran had also threatened Americans living in Syria and other Gulf countries to bear the consequences for this. The Special Economic Zone of any country extends up to 200 nautical miles from the coast. Entry into this field requires the approval of the country concerned.

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro is known to be a staunch anti-American. Five of Iran's oil tankers Fortune, Forrest, Petunia, Faxon and Cleval are carrying 1.5 million barrels of fuel. At the same time, US Navy warships are patrolling in the Caribbean Sea to stop illegal drug smuggling. Given this, Iran warned the US that it would retaliate if its tankers are intercepted. However, there is no statement from the US about stopping Iran's tankers.
Venezuela is the country with the largest oil reserves in the world, but in the last 2 decades due to tension with the US, it is going through a severe economic crisis. Venezuela is being affected by US-Iran relations. During this period, the production of petroleum has also decreased continuously. In recent weeks, there has been a severe shortage of petrol in Venezuela, causing people to suffer for petrol and diesel. Things are not right in the country. In such a situation, Iran and America are already in conflict. If some other countries also support Iran, then the situation may deteriorate. This will affect India somewhere as it imports crude oil from this region too. On the one hand, in the Corona era, the countries of the world are going through economic signs, the lives of the people are lying in the mall, while thinking of war can prove fatal for any country at such a time. Whether it is America or Iran or any other country.

शुक्रवार, 22 मई 2020

PM Modi visits Amphon affected West Bengal, 1 thousand crore package announcement

MS reports:
Delhi: West Bengal and Odisha have been badly affected by the havoc of Amfan. The loss of life and property has not only happened, but it has also caused a great shock to the economy in the middle of the Corona period. In such a situation, Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited both the states today after the destruction of Amfan.
PM Modi reached Kolkata Airport in West Bengal, welcomed by Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee. After this, PM Modi made an aerial survey of the areas affected by Amfan. Later PM Modi announced a package of one thousand crore rupees to Bengal. At the same time, earlier, the Prime Minister said on Thursday that no core work will be left to help the people affected by the cyclone. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is visiting after almost three months. He had last visited on 29 February, when he visited Chitrakoot and Prayagraj in Uttar Pradesh.
 Prime Minister Narendra Modi said, "Rs. 2 lakh will be given to the families of those who have died due to cyclone and Rs. 50,000 to the families of the seriously injured people."
 In a press conference with Mamta Banerjee, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced that the Central Government is offering a package of one thousand crores for the badly affected West Bengal due to cyclone Amfan.
On the other hand, the Chief Minister of neighboring Odisha State Naveen Patnaik also spoke to Mamata Banerjee. He has offered all help to Bengal regarding the damage caused by cyclone Amfan.
Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee said on Thursday that I have never seen such a severe cyclone and loss in my life. I will ask Prime Minister Narendra Modi to come to inspect the cyclone affected areas.
 Meanwhile, Union Home Minister Amit Shah also spoke to Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik and West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee and assured them of providing all possible assistance from the Center to deal with the situation. So far 80 people have died in Amphan in Bengal. Two districts have been completely destroyed. Thousands of people have been rendered homeless, many bridges destroyed and low-lying areas submerged. The scene of destruction can be seen clearly in Kolkata and many other parts of the state. In West Bengal, this severe cyclonic storm, which has come in a span of a hundred years, has destroyed mud houses, destroyed crops and uprooted trees and electric poles. After the tour, Mamta Banerjee said that the relief announced was not enough.
On the other hand, the neighboring state of Odisha has also seen havoc. Amfan has also caused massive havoc in Odisha where the power and telecommunications infrastructure in the coastal districts has been destroyed. Prime Minister Modi also conducted an aerial survey of the affected areas. Rajaypal Ganeshi Lal and CM Naveen Patnaik welcomed Prime Minister Modi at the airport. According to an assessment by Odisha authorities, about 44.8 lakh people have been affected by the cyclone. Cyclone Amfan is considered the second most severe storm in the Bay of Bengal after the 1999 cyclone. About 10 thousand people died in the Maha Chakravat which came 21 years ago.
President Ramnath Kovind also gave information by tweeting and talked to the Governor and Chief Minister from both the states. "I spoke with West Bengal Governor Jagdeep Dhankhar and Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee after the damage caused by the Amfan cyclone and discussed the situation arising out of the loss of life and property," the tweet read.
"I spoke today with Odisha Governor Prof. Ganeshi Lal and Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik and expressed my concern about the well-being of the people in view of the devastation caused by the Amfan cyclone."

गुरुवार, 21 मई 2020

Large administrative reshuffle 16 IAS and 5 PCS transfers in Uttarakhand

MS reports:
Dehradun: The Uttarakhand government has transferred 16 IAS  and 5 PCS officers on Thursday amid a lockdown, undergoing major administrative reshuffle. Additional Chief Secretary Radha Raturi has also released the list of new charges of all the IAS.
According to the list released, IAS Arvind Singh Hayanki has been made the Commissioner of Kumaon Division. Rudraprayag DM Mangesh Ghilliyal has been made DM of Tehri, along with IAS Nitesh Kumar Jha has been relieved of the post of Secretary, Medical Education and Medical Health and Family Welfare, and has now been given the responsibility of IAS Amit Negi.  IAS Vandana has been given the responsibility of DM of Rudraprayag, Ms. Vandana is currently the Chief Development Officer of Pithoragarh.

5 PCS officers have also been transferred along with the IAS by the government, Rudraprayag Additional District Magistrate Arvind Kumar Pandey has been given the new responsibility of Additional District Magistrate Administration Dehradun, while Additional District Magistrate Administration Dehradun Ramji Sharan Sharma has been made Additional District Magistrate Rudraprayag. .

बुधवार, 20 मई 2020

Indra's miserable condition of 'Mahabharata', forced to live in old age home

MS reports:
Delhi: Mahabharata or Vikram Betal serial, who would have seen it, will surely remember this face. Amitabh Bachchan of Punjabi films calls him Satish Call has left his strong impression on the strength of his acting. But today the same Satish calls that used to play in crores, the directors, producers wanted to work with them, today are living life in a state of disrepair. Are in the old age home. There is no money even for your treatment. Yes that's true Satish Call is living life from hara to floor.

Satish Kaul played the role of Devraj Indra in 'Mahabharata'. Even today people remember that image of him in his mind.Due to the lockdown, many popular shows of Doordarshan are once again entertaining the audience. Serials like 'Ramayana', 'Mahabharata' are all watched with fervor. At the same time, the characters of these shows are also very much discussed these days. You will remember actor Satish Kaul. He won the hearts of people with his brilliant performances in many serials from Punjabi films to TV.Aajqaj Satish Kaul is cutting his old age in Vivekananda old age home of Ludhiana. The conditions of this actor have become so bad today that he does not have money even for his medicines and food and drink. Some time ago due to ill health of Satish Kaul, he was admitted to a hospital in Ludhiana, where he did not have the money even to get treatment.
It is being told that Satish Kaul had opened an acting school in Ludhiana in which he had put all his accumulated capital, this acting school could not run and all of Satish's money was drowned. Satish's wife and children also shifted to America in Tanghali and Satish's condition worsened. Nobody is going to ask them now. He also worked in many serials, films.

Apart from Mahabharata, Satish Kaul has appeared in Ramanand Sagar's show 'Vikram Betal'. Apart from this, he has also appeared in many Bollywood films, films like 'Aunty No. 1', 'Karma', 'Pyar Ka Mandir'. Once upon a time, Satish Kaul was called Amitabh Bachchan of Punjabi films, but today this actor is fascinated by one paisa. When a man reaches the floor with hares, nothing is known. But if the condition of an artist is such, then the government, the union of artists must be seen. So that no Muflasi's life should be lived like this.

Homecoming after 45 years but family unhappy

MS reports:
Uttarkashi / Dehradun: An 84-year-old veteran has returned home in Chinyalisaur, Uttarkashi. The lock down has also not shown what days. Somebody is separated, someone is mixed up. When one such elder came to his house, the people of the house refused to keep him in the house. This is not the story of the film but is true. Surat Singh Chauhan is the name of this man who left home bar 45 years ago.

This is the case of Jeshtwadi village in Chinyalisaur block. At present, the elderly have been quarantined at the Government Inter College. The grandson of the elderly is still the head.
An 84-year-old man from Chinyalisaur Village returned to his village on Sunday after a long stint of 45 years. Seeing the missing person for 45 years suddenly, there was a stir among the family members before seeing his eyes. Although the family was sure that the old man would not have died, the family was shocked after the return of the elder after 45 years. The family's emotional attachment to them is over and they are unable to accept the old man from his heart.At present, the elderly have been quarantined at the Government Inter College. However, food and drink are being arranged by their families. Village Jethwadi Chief Ajay Chauhan said that his grandfather Surat Singh Chauhan left home at the age of 39 when his father Kalyan Singh was just two and a half years old and his Tauji Trepan Singh was five years old. He was searched a lot by his family but his clue was not even found. On Friday, the Tehsildar called up and reported that his grandfather was alive. So all those people were surprised. At the same time, when the family of Surat Singh received the news of his return, he was not happy at all.
When Suri Singh Chauhan's wife and Pradhan Ajay's grandmother came to know that her husband has returned after 45 years, she was filled with anger. He was naturally angry. If someone suddenly disappears leaving the responsibility of small children on the shoulder of the woman, and then does not take care of the family for 45 years, then the heart of any human being will be transformed into stone. There is no more love for the elderly in their families. On the other hand, the 84-year old told that he had been living in a Gurdwara near Beas in Jalandhar, Punjab for the last 45 years. Due to the lockdown, he went to Solan in Himachal Pradesh from where the administration had arranged to send him to Uttarkashi. At present, the elderly are quarantined and their families are taking care of their food and drink.

It is now to see whether the elderly could enter the house or not. The villagers also in the family's honor are engaged.

Now body will be sanitized at Nigam Bodh Ghat Delhi, two machines installed

  • Two sanitizer machines installed at Nigambodh Ghat

MS Reports:
New Delhi: On the Bodh Ghat Corporation, the largest ghat in Delhi, the bodies along with the dead body will be sanitized. Everyone who comes for the funeral will have to go through these machines after getting sanitized. So that the corona infection does not spread. Nigam falls near Bodh Ghat situated and is situated on the banks of river Yamuna. Hundreds of people come to the ghat every day for funeral work.

In the horrific transition period of the global pandemic Corona, administrators have now installed two sanitizer machines at Nigam Bodh Ghat crematorium. According to the guide line of the Government of India, in the transition period, about 20 people come to the funeral procession, said Suman Gupta of the Bodh Ghat Reform Committee, the head of the Agriwal Sabha Register and the elder Panchayat. In which there is a risk of infection.
But now after installing the sanitizer machine at both the main gates of the ghat, people along with the dead body will also reach the platform by sanitizing the dead platform so that the platform and passengers can be protected from infection. Where hundreds of people come every day for karma scandal.
Gupta told that the management of these sanitizer machines has been done through the inspiration of Tilakram Gupta former candidate Trinagar Vidhan Sabha and Pawan Shukla with the inspiration of Pradhan Mahanand Prasad Singhal.

मंगलवार, 19 मई 2020

Manisha Koirala also jumped in support of Nepal in Kalapani and Lipulekh case, Nepal told its share

  • Manisha Koirala hails from Nepal, she has worked in many Hindi films.

Delhi/MS Reports:  Hindi film actress Manisha on Monday tweeted on the tweet of Nepal Foreign Minister Pradeep Gyawali. Which is supported by Manisha. The tweet provided information about the inclusion of two disputed areas in the country's official map.At the same time, the border dispute between India and Nepal regarding Kalapani and Lipulekh continues. Manisha Koirala has Nepal
Supported the government's move in which it showed these two areas as part of its map. Manish Koirala is a resident of Nepal herself.
Manisha has responded to Nepal's Foreign Minister Pradeep Gyawali's tweet on Monday. The tweet provided information about the inclusion of two disputed areas in the country's official map.
The actress thanked the Nepalese government, referring to India, Nepal and China, saying that she looked forward to a peaceful and dignified dialogue between 'all three great countries'. Earlier, the Foreign Minister of Nepal tweeted. Gyawali said in the tweet that the Council of Ministers has decided to publish a new map of the country showing its 7 provinces, 77 districts and 753 local administrative divisions. It also includes 'Limpiyadhura, Lipulekh and Kalapani'. He also said that the official map will soon publish the country's land management ministry. Earlier, Nepal had told the Government of India, Thank you. On the same day, Gyawali tweeted on May 17 and thanked the Government of India for the fight against the corona virus. India has provided test kits and medical logistics to Nepal.

The border dispute between India and Nepal continues. In November 2019, the Ministry of Home Affairs of India released a new map which also included the Kalapani region. The Nepal government was angered by this move as Nepal has been claiming it. It also claims that the Lipulekh Pass falls under its territory, which is located in the far western region of Dharchula in Pithoragarh district of the country. Recently, India's Defense Minister Rajnath Singh inaugurated an 80-km-long road to Kailash Mansarovar that ends at Lipulekh Pass. 
The Nepal government had raised objections about this. There is a river Kali between the two countries. India across this river and Nepal across the river is considered. At the same time, the statement of Army Chief General Manoj Mukund Narwane came on Nepal's protest a few days ago. They said I did not understand why Nepal is protesting. While pointing at China, he said that it is possible that Nepal is doing this at the behest of a third.

World Family Doctors Day celebrated in AIIMS Rishikesh

MS reports:
Rishikesh: World Family Doctors Day was celebrated at AIIMS Rishikesh, All India Institute of Medical Sciences. In which health among the society as well as the role of family doctors in resolving the misconceptions was said to be important.
                                                                                                                                                          Speakers on World Family Doctors Day stated that family physicians who serve primarily in the midst of society have to play a role in the community as a physician as well as a family member. During this time, the topic of how medical connectivity should be related to society and how to provide medical facilities to the common people was discussed. So that the doctor can be aware of the health problems of common people. It was told that on this day, Harsal is celebrated on May 19, this facility is provided to the people by the OPD of the Department of Community and Family Medicine at AIIMS.
                                                                                                                                                                On this occasion, AIIMS Director Padmashree Professor Ravi Kant said that during the time of epidemic like Kovid 19, the challenges of Primary Care Physicians have increased. Director AIIMS said that family physicians are the patient's first contact and they are the closest doctors to the community, so they play an important role in making people aware of the horrific epidemic like Kovid in remote areas without health facilities and in society. needed. AIIMS Director Padmashri Prof. Ravi Kant said that these doctors can contribute significantly in reducing the misconceptions and spread of fear in society and to solve their doubts. On World Doctors Day, the Institute's Department of Community Medicine, Prof. Surekha Kishore called the role of family physicists important in the Kovid 19 epidemic, saying that the family physicists are serving as front line workers in the country. 
Prof Vartika Saxena of the department also expressed views on the occasion. On this occasion, State President of the Academy of Family Physicians of India, Dr. Santosh Kumar told that on this day a Facebook page www.facebook.com/FemilyMedicineAIIMS has been created, in which anyone can express their doubts and questions in the context of Kovid epidemic. Can know the solution. Dr. Mahendra Singh, Dr. Bhavna, Dr. Kranti, Dr. Deepak, Dr. Qadir, Dr. Rihan, Dr. Ashutosh, Dr. Anjali etc. were present on this occasion.

रविवार, 17 मई 2020

Афганистан: Ашраф Гани и А.К. Абдулла достиг соглашения; Гани останется на посту президента, Абдулла получит половину служения

  • Это второй раз, когда Гани и А. Абдулла достигли соглашения о партнерстве в правительстве. Ранее, также в 2014 году, оба собрались вместе. -Файл фото
  • Бывший вице-президент обвиняется в изнасиловании и убийствах, сделанных главой армии
  • Согласие на давление США и мирные переговоры с талибами под руководством Абдуллы состоятся

Отчет Маноджа Раутелы
Дели / Кабул: Продолжающийся политический кризис в Афганистане разрешен. Здесь было достигнуто соглашение между президентом Ашрафом Гани и его соперником Абдуллой Абдуллой о разделении власти. В соответствии с этим Ашраф Гани останется президентом, а его соперник А. Абдулла стал главой половины кабинета в кабинете.
Это второй раз, когда Гани и Абдулла достигли соглашения о партнерстве в правительстве. Ранее, также в 2014 году, оба собрались вместе. В это время соглашение, Абдул Рашид Достам, спорный лидер и бывший вице-президент Афганистана, был сделан главой армии. Абдул Рашид был обвинен в политических убийствах, изнасилованиях и мошенничестве.
Соглашение, достигнутое под давлением Америки
Действительно, президент Ашраф Гани и его соперник Абдулла Абдулла поссорились из-за того, кто победил на выборах в прошлом году. Ашраф Гани официально победил, но Абдулла Абдулла отказался принять его и объявил себя президентом.

Это соглашение было достигнуто после давления со стороны США, благодаря которому оно теперь поможет активизировать мирные переговоры Америки и талибов. Госсекретарь США Майк Помпео в этом году прекратил помощь Афганистану на миллиард долларов. Он был возмущен новым политическим кризисом в Афганистане.
Будут мирные переговоры с талибами под руководством Абдуллы
В рамках соглашения мирные переговоры с талибами будут вести А. Абдулла. При этом он возглавит министерство внутренних дел, экономики, юстиции, труда и социальных дел Кабмина.

Benjamin Netanyahu formed the government with his adversary, becoming Prime Minister for the fourth consecutive time

  • Former army chief Benny Gantz and Netanyahu will be prime ministers for 18-18 months
  • Sworn in as Prime Minister in coalition government on Sunday
  • Coalition government in Israel, Beni Gantz gets Defense Ministry
  • Elections have been held thrice a year in Israel.
  • Netanyahu has taken over the reins of the country for the fifth time. However, this is his fourth consecutive term.

Delhi/MS Reports: Benjamin Netanyahu has become the Prime Minister of Israel for the fourth time. Elections were held in the country but no party could get a clear majority. In such a situation, Netanyahu's Likud Party and anti-Ghatj's Blue and White Party merged and formed the government.
Prime Minister Netanyahu said that we do not want to make the next choice in the country. If the people of the country want a mixed government, then we are giving the same. 16 leaders of Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud Party and 15 of Gantz's Blue and White were made ministers, Netanyahu said, adding that the Yehudi settlements in the Palestinian territory would be merged into the country. This means that there will be conflict in Israel again. Conflict between Israel and Palestine can be seen again.
Benjamin Netanyahu was sworn in as Prime Minister in a coalition government on Sunday after three elections held in Israel in a year. With this, the political crisis continued in the country for 500 days. Former Army Chiefs Benny Gantz and Netanyahu will be Prime Ministers for 18-18 months. Netanyahu was first to take oath on 14 May. However, some MPs of his party were not satisfied with the ministries found in the cabinet. For this reason, the swearing-in ceremony on 14 May was postponed.
Earlier on Sunday, Netanyahu staked claim to form a coalition government in the country's parliament, Nesat. "We have decided to form a Unity Government and save the country from the fourth election," the address said. Had there been a fourth election in the country, a lot of money would have been spent. The public wants a unity government. He is getting the same. "

On the issue of reuniting Jewish settlements in Palestinian territory with Israel, Netanyahu said, "It is time to implement the country's law and write another glorious chapter in the history of Zionism." Zionism is the name of that Jewish movement, Under which preparations were made to settle Israel.
Ministry of Finance and Health gets Likud Party
In the new coalition government, 16 leaders from Benjamin Netanyahu's party have received ministerial berths. Finance Minister, Health Minister, Education Minister, Energy Minister and Transport Minister are the leaders of Likud Part. Along with this, 16 more Ministries have been given to Likud Party. Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Justice will get to Blue and White Party.
Benny Gantz's Blue and White Party has got 15 ministries in the coalition government. Beni Gantz has been appointed Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense. Apart from this, Ministries like Foreign, Justice, Culture have got the Blue and White Party.

Netanyahu and his opposition, Gantj, say that in the Corona era the country needs a stable government, so an alliance is necessary. No party had a majority in three elections held in a year. Now both have formed a government together. Netanyahu has taken over the reins of the country for the fifth time. However, this is his fourth consecutive term. Israel has always introduced a different example where to look. Be it in agriculture, fight against terrorism, army, unite the country, protect the country or now the politics against which the contested usi formed a government. Because the country needed the government. Did not want to be pushed into the elections, and agreed and formed a government. Left his stranglehold for the country. Can this ever be seen in India as well? Is a big question.

Биньямин Нетаньяху становится премьер-министром в четвертый раз подряд, Бени Ганц

  • получает министерство обороны в коалиционном правительстве

Дели: отчет Маноджа Раутелы
16 лидеров партии Ликуд Нетаньяху и 15 синих и белых Ганца стали министрами
Нетаньяху сказал - иудейские поселения, находящиеся на территории Палестины, будут объединены в стране
Биньямин Нетаньяху был приведен к присяге в качестве премьер-министра в коалиционном правительстве в воскресенье после трех выборов, проведенных в Израиле за год. При этом политический кризис в стране продолжался 500 дней. Бывшие военачальники Бенни Ганц и Нетаньяху будут премьер-министрами 18-18 месяцев. Нетаньяху был первым, кто принял присягу 14 мая. Однако некоторые депутаты его партии не были удовлетворены министерствами в кабинете министров. По этой причине церемония приведения к присяге 14 мая была отложена.
«Публика получила то, что хотела»
Ранее в воскресенье Нетаньяху заявил о своем требовании сформировать коалиционное правительство в парламенте страны, Несате. «Мы решили сформировать правительство единства и спасти страну от четвертых выборов», - говорится в обращении. Если бы в стране прошли четвертые выборы, было бы потрачено много денег. Общественность хочет правительства единства. Он получает то же самое. "
Что касается вопроса воссоединения еврейских поселений на палестинской территории с Израилем, Нетаньяху сказал: «Настало время осуществить закон страны и написать еще одну славную главу в истории сионизма». Сионизм - это название этого еврейского движения, Под которые были сделаны приготовления для заселения Израиля.

Министерство финансов и здравоохранения получило партию «Ликуд»
В новом коалиционном правительстве 16 лидеров партии Биньямина Нетаньяху получили посты на уровне министров. Министр финансов, министр здравоохранения, министр образования, министр энергетики и министр транспорта являются лидерами «Ликуда Парт». При этом партия «Ликуд» получила еще 16 министерств.
Министерство иностранных дел и юстиции добирается до сине-белой партии
У Синей и белой партии Бенни Ганца есть 15 министерств в коалиционном правительстве. Бени Ганц был назначен заместителем премьер-министра и министром обороны. Кроме того, такие министерства, как министерство иностранных дел, юстиции и культуры, попали в сине-белую партию.
Оппозиция объединилась для борьбы с Короной
Нетаньяху и его оппозиция Ганч говорят, что в эпоху короны стране необходимо стабильное правительство, поэтому необходим альянс. Ни одна партия не имела большинства на трех выборах, проведенных за год. Теперь оба сформировали правительство вместе. Нетаньяху в пятый раз взял на себя управление страной. Тем не менее, это его четвертый срок подряд.

Дели: правительство Индии вводит запрет на 59 китайских приложений, включая работу Tiktok в Индии, в том числе UC Brozer

-Collab на Facebook может заменить Tik Tok, может скоро запустить Collab в Индии -Решение заставило китайские технологические компании сд...